06.06. – 12.08. | A special soundART: chirping machines in the park

Exhibition project of the class 4 c of the Johannes-Grundschule | Altenberge
Zwitschermaschinen im Park Altenberge

It is still chirping in the trees at the Old Cemetery until August 12: In a two-day workshop, the students soldered together small solar cell-powered “chirping machines“ together with the sound artist Ralf Schreiber and made matching (sound) bodies out of clay with the artist Martina Lückener. These were worked into the bark of the mighty lime trees on the park grounds. A special feature of the workshop was the combination of sound and form – each child had to think conceptually – and the different motor requirements: all the children worked both with the soldering iron and the
fragile tiny technology as well as with the haptically demanding material clay. Attaching the objects to the tree bark also presented some challenges, which the students solved smartly.

Location: Park area Alter Friedhof | Ortsmitte | 48341 Altenberge

In cooperation with the Heimatverein Altenberge and the Kulturwerkstatt.

+ the artist Ralf Schreiber

+ Heimatcarée Altenberge