16.06. – 17.06. | Mobiles Musik Museum

Open air sound art installation Michael Bradke | City centre Bocholt
Instrumente des Luftorchesters von Michael Bradke

Sound artist Michael Bradke will be a guest at the Music School Festival with his interactive installations KlangKanal and WasserOrchester. The water orchestra consists of over 50 instruments and mechanical devices that elicit wondrous sounds from water or use water to produce sound. An imaginative sound exploration for children and adults. At several locations in the city centre of Bocholt!

Fri 16.06. 2 – 6 p.m. | Sat 17.06. 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. | Neutorplatz 1a – forecourt of the Stadtsparkasse branch | 46395 Bocholt

+ the artist Michael Bradke

+ the city of Bocholt