Emeka Ogboh

Sound artist for all senses | Nigeria, Berlin

Emeka Ogboh connects to places with his senses of hearing and taste. Through his audio installations and gastronomic works, Ogboh explores how private, public, collective memories and histories are translated, transformed and encoded into sound and food. These works contemplate how auditory and gustatory experiences capture existential relationships, frame our understanding of the world and provide a context in which to ask critical questions on immigration, globalization, and post-colonialism.

Ogboh has participated in numerous international exhibitions including documenta 14, (2017), Athens and Kassel, Skulptur Projekte Münster (2017), the 56th edition of La Biennale di Venezia, Italy (2015), and Dakar Biennale (2014).

+ www.emekaogboh.art

+ Statement Emeka Ogboh auf YouTube

English with subtitles | Art of Berlin | rbb Kultur