Participatory sound art!

Concerts, mobile sound installations, workshop for schools

In 2023, the focus of the Münsterland-wide sound art festival was once again on the participation of guests and listeners and on hands-on experience. The aim was to make sound art directly tangible! Here we show impressions of:
SPLASH – Percussion NRW in the DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel (1)
GONG GANG – Sound Installation Albrecht Fersch in Ibbenbüren (2-4)
Ensemble “Ears Wide Open“ – Marion Haak-Schulenburg, Mathis Mayr, Ravi Srinivasan and Gregor Schulenburg at the Landesmusikakademie NRW, Heek (5-8)
FrequEMS – Sound art day at Rheine with Klang Duo Osnabrück (9), anni Yu (10), Klanginstitut Köln (11) and Pia Marei Hauser (12)
Mobile Music Museum by Michael Bradke, Rheine (13-15)
“Chirping Machines in the Park“ – workshop and exhibition project for a primary school class, with Ralf Schreiber and Martina Lückener in Altenberge (16-18)

Photos: Vera Lammers, Franziska Loh, Lara langguth, Sabine Herke, Rheine