Peter Vogel and Achim Vogel Muranyi | Freiburg

Sound art as a generational theme

Over four decades, Peter Vogel, one of the pioneers of sound art, designed electronic sound sculptures and stage performances that encourage the viewer to discover different patterns through repeated interaction. Using various electronic components such as generators, transistors, switches, amplifiers, loudspeakers and photocells, Peter Vogel manages to combine the randomness of observer-dependent reactions with certain determinate systems to create a complex responsive network of structures and patterns.

Achim Vogel Muranyi is a German contemporary artist and composer. 
His work includes comic illustrations and series of paintings. His focus is on electronic control mechanisms, interactivity and computer-controlled visual as well as musical events. Exhibitions, happenings & performances at E-Werk Freiburg, Galerie K Staufen, among others,
Art Karlsruhe, Espace Lézard Colmar, Gallery TOM Tokyo, Galerie Lara Vincy Paris, Espace Monte-Cristo Paris, Positions Art Fair Berlin, Kunstverein Mannheim.



+ Achim Vogel Muranyi on YouTube