ART docu Emeka Ogboh

SOUNDSEEING – the Münsterland-wide sound art festival 2023 presents from 17.06. – 20.08. the sound installations of Emeka Ogboh at the DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst | Hörstel

The internationally renowned sound artist Emeka Ogboh, who lives and works in Berlin and Lagos, engages intensively with places and social phenomena to explore how private, public and collective memories and histories are translated, transformed, and encoded into different sensory experiences. In »Chi dị Ebere [God is merciful]«, Emeka Ogboh combines Igbo vocal and musical traditions from the Igbo people of Nigeria with electronic compositions. The starting point is the exploration of making music as a coping mechanism for grief and loss.
In the interview with SOUNDSEEING curator Stephan Froleyks and Sara Dietrich, artistic director of DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Emeka Ogboh sheds light on the background of his sound art project and gives a very personal insight into the process of creation. Of course, there are also audiovisual impressions directly from the exhibition – as inspiration for a visit or to listen to the various sounds at home.

Musical arrangements:
Jude Nwankwo & Uchechukwu Agbamegbue

QueenMary Mbias Okoro (Soprano)
Uchechukwu E. Agbamegbue (Soprano)
Tochukwu Favour Ezeoka (Alto)
Ndubuisi Sunday Azubuike (Tenor)
Godwin Odera Obodoeke (Bass)

Camera: Sabine Herke | Bernhard Kils
Composing: herkewerke

+ DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst